Conceptual Meandering.
Below is just an exploration of my present thought process as to where my work fits, internally within me and externally as you may view it.
I hope this helps you understand where my work comes from, rather than just a bland inaccessible personal statement that you may need a doctorate in Art History to translate. I still do those statements, as that is part of the job but hopefully this helps you understand how I get there.
Conceptually what does it all mean?
Since exploring the figurative it has caused me to stop and re-evaluate what is my work really about. It is motivating me to stop just pushing my technical expertise and focus on conceptual expression. I know it sounds awful, but this recent work feels like I've starting to actually try, when before I just did. Perhaps that just me projecting a sense creative contentment......I'll go with that.
Here's some thoughts though.
Obsessing over technique experiments allows me to inform my aesthetic. I have decided to explore figurative work using my aesthetic to develop a new platform for existential thought through my signature abstraction. Creating an intimacy with my expressive forms allowing the observer to reflect on this as part of the introduction to whoever the figure is, as they see before them.
Balanced with this is portraiture. I have approached this mostly in two ways. Firstly, actual portraiture, where I have tried to make a visual representation of someone within my own expressive tendencies. Secondly a twisted version of this where I have just tried to freely create a head, not off someone in particular but of a combination of images where I have let the sculpture evolve until I 'meet' who I am trying to create. That sculpture is a reflection of the feeling or moment I'm trying to express, with the abstraction on the 3d Canvas that surrounds it a reflection of the personality within.
Videos of recent bronzes